Styling React Native with CSS

CSS loves React

The Gutenberg project started as a way to bring a new editor to WordPress, but not only to your admin dashboards. For the past two years, we have been working on a mobile version that leverages React Native to bring that same new editor to the mobile apps.

Since we started the mobile project, we have been looking for ways to bridge the web and native platforms. One of those is being able to share styles.

I’m aware of solutions like react-native-web or ReactXP, but their approach seems to be making the web code look more like React Native. However, we are ultimately building a tool to build websites, so we lean more towards web technologies. Some of those styles are also likely to be shared with the frontend of the site, and we don’t want to change how that’s done and force React components into millions of websites.

What we do today

React Native uses inline styles and a flexbox-based layout system named Yoga. It is different syntax, but it’s easy to tell how it’s all inspired by the web. The style property names ofter match the CSS equivalents, and Yoga works like flexbox. So we started writing those in CSS with the hope that we’d be able to eventually reuse CSS files for web and native.

/* Some of the first CSS in the project */
.toolbar {
	height: 34;
	background-color: white;
	flex-direction: row;
	justify-content: space-between;
	padding-left: 20;
	padding-right: 20;

To make this work, we use a transformer that takes the CSS file and converts it to a JavaScript object when imported. We also get Sass support in the process so we can use variables and other nice things. This uses css-to-react-native-transform which converts CSS text into objects, and in turn uses css-to-react-native, which converts individual declarations to properties that React Native can understand.

// When you import a CSS file...
import style from './style.scss';

//'s as if you defined an object with those properties
const style = {
    toolbar: {
        height: 34,
        backgroundColor: 'white',
        flexDirection: 'row',
        justifyContent: 'space-between',
        paddingLeft: 20,
        paddingRight: 20

Sharing CSS is more challenging than that

Just because it looks similar, it doesn’t mean that we can now take any CSS from the web and use it on mobile. This solution works by turning class selectors into keys for the style object (so .toolbar becomes style.toolbar), but it can’t process any other kind of CSS selector. Because of that, there’s no concern for the CSS cascade or any sort of inherited values. This is problem #1: what style applies to what element.

Once you match a specific declaration block to a component, the system still needs to be able to understand all the declarations and transform them to valid values for React Native. This works correctly if you write the CSS with React Native in mind, but there is a lot that it’s not supported. For instance, you can’t use calc() and if you dare to use a unit other than px, you get a crash. Problem #2 is not failing when there is something that isn’t supported.

Scoping component CSS

The main challenge that we have when matching a CSS rule to a specific element is that CSS is designed to be global to a web document, and resolving a selector becomes an impossible task without a DOM that keeps track of relationships. Matching a simple class or element selector is achievable, but when you start using combinators or pseudo selectors, it quickly becomes an impossible task, since a component doesn’t know much about where it sits in the hierarchy. If this were to work, it would probably have to be implemented in the React Native renderer.

We did some experiments in supporting descendant and other basic selectors using React contexts, but it seemed like a big effort with not enough cross-platform potential.

Short of React Native implementing an official support for this in the engine, I think our best bet is to let go of selectors and rely on another system to match a specific style to a component. That could be CSS Modules, or a CSS-in-JS solution like Emotion or Styled Components.

Compatible style declarations

I think one of the most important factors for the success of CSS might have been his error handling model. Because different browsers implement new features at a different pace, they will often encounter CSS that they don’t understand yet.

When errors occur in CSS, the parser attempts to recover gracefully, throwing away only the minimum amount of content before returning to parsing as normal. This is because errors aren’t always mistakes—new syntax looks like an error to an old parser, and it’s useful to be able to add new syntax to the language without worrying about stylesheets that include it being completely broken in older UAs.

CSS Syntax Module Level 3

Our current transformer doesn’t work like this. It won’t ignore things that look unsupported, and it will even crash on some instances of “invalid” declarations. It is very hard to share any CSS with another platform without that error resilience that the CSS standard demands.

If we had a CSS engine that respected the standard, we could have a shared style with unsupported values and a fallback that worked on React Native. In an ideal scenario, the following snippet would apply a 1em left margin on the web (since the latest declaration has precedence) and 12px on React Native (since it would only consider the last declaration that was valid).

.component {
    /* React Native can understand this... */
    margin-left: 12px;
    /* ...but not this */
    margin-left: 1em;

My wishlist for CSS support in React Native

This is only a starting point, and there are a lot of CSS features that we won’t be able to support. All layout in React Native is based on flexbox, so we can hardly support any properties related to CSS Grids. Also, because we transform the CSS during compilation, the result is always static, which leaves out a lot of features that depend on the runtime environment.

I can imagine the transformer returning a DynamicStylesheet instead of plain values, that gets resolved to actual values on render. A great example of this is dark mode. The web supports dark mode through the prefers-color-scheme media query.

.text {
	color: black;
	background: white;

@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
	.text {
		color: white;
		background: black;

This could be transformed to a dynamic style object that looked like this:

const style = new DynamicStyleSheet({
	text: {
		color: new DynamicColorSchemeValue({light: 'black', dark: 'white'}),
		background: new DynamicColorSchemeValue({light: 'white', dark: 'black'}),

const resolvedStyle = useDynamicStyleSheet(dynamicStyles)

This is basically what the react-native-dark-mode API looks like already, but that same concept could be extrapolated to many other dynamic values, like calc(), or any other media queries.

Other feature that would be really useful is the @supports directive for feature queries. This would allow us to share the same CSS, but offer different fallbacks for unsupported styles. You can already see several @supports (position: sticky) in the Gutenberg code to contain styles specific to IE11.

Having all these things in place would not solve every problem. We still won’t be able to support every feature, and sometimes we’ll actually want different styles. Maybe a new @media (react-native) query could help contain those styles. However, this would set enough of a solid foundation that I believe would allow sharing CSS with web components.

Diving into Swift compiler performance

It all starts by reading this week in Swift, and the article The best hardware to build with Swift is not what you might think, written by the LinkedIn team about how apparently their Mac Pros are slower at building Swift than any other Mac.

I’ve spent so much time waiting for Xcode to compile over the past years than I’ve often toyed with the idea of getting an iMac or even a Mac Pro for the maximum possible performance, so this caught my attention. I’ve also been wondering if instead of throwing money at the problem, there might be some easy improvements to either reduce build time or to improve Swift performance.

Looking at the reported issue I discovered a couple Swift compiler flags that were new to me: -driver-time-compilation and -Xfrontend -debug-time-compilation, which will show something like this:

                               Swift compilation
  Total Execution Time: 10.1296 seconds (10.6736 wall clock)

   ---User Time---   --System Time--   --User+System--   ---Wall Time---  --- Name ---
   3.9556 ( 99.9%)   6.1701 (100.0%)  10.1257 (100.0%)  10.6697 (100.0%)  Type checking / Semantic analysis
   0.0013 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0015 (  0.0%)   0.0015 (  0.0%)  LLVM output
   0.0011 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0013 (  0.0%)   0.0013 (  0.0%)  SILGen
   0.0005 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0006 (  0.0%)   0.0006 (  0.0%)  IRGen
   0.0003 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)   0.0003 (  0.0%)  LLVM optimization
   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0001 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)   0.0002 (  0.0%)  Parsing
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  SIL optimization
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  Name binding
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  AST verification
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  SIL verification (pre-optimization)
   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)   0.0000 (  0.0%)  SIL verification (post-optimization)
   3.9589 (100.0%)   6.1707 (100.0%)  10.1296 (100.0%)  10.6736 (100.0%)  Total

I started looking into the results for the WordPress app and it looks like almost every bottleneck is in the Type Checking stage. As I’d find later, mostly in type inference. I’ve only tested this on Debug builds, as that’s where improvements could impact development best. For Release, I’d suspect the optimization stage would take a noticeable amount of time.

Time to look at what’s the slowest thing, and why. Disclaimer: the next shell commands might look extra complicated. I’ve used those tools for over a decade but never managed to fully learn all their power, so I’d jump from grep to awk to sed to cut and back, just because I know how to do it that way. I’m sure there’s a better way, but this got me the results I wanted so ¯\(ツ)/¯.

Before you run these close Xcode, and really everything else if you can so you get more reliable results.

Do a clean build with all the debug flags and save the log. That way you can query it later without having to do another build.

xcodebuild -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 7' \
  -sdk iphonesimulator -workspace WordPress.xcworkspace \
  -scheme WordPress -configuration Debug \
  clean build \
  OTHER_SWIFT_FLAGS="-driver-time-compilation \
    -Xfrontend -debug-time-function-bodies \
    -Xfrontend -debug-time-compilation" |
tee profile.log

Print the compiled files sorted by build time:

awk '/Driver Time Compilation/,/Total$/ { print }' profile.log |
  grep compile |
  cut -c 55- |
  sed -e 's/^ *//;s/ (.*%)  compile / /;s/ [^ ]*Bridging-Header.h$//' |
  sed -e "s|$(pwd)/||" |
  sort -rn |
  tee slowest.log

Show the top 10 slowest files:

head -10 slowest.log
2.9555 WordPress/Classes/Extensions/Math.swift
2.8760 WordPress/Classes/Utility/PushAuthenticationManager.swift
2.8751 WordPress/Classes/ViewRelated/Post/AztecPostViewController.swift
2.8748 WordPress/Classes/ViewRelated/People/InvitePersonViewController.swift
2.8741 WordPress/Classes/ViewRelated/System/PagedViewController.swift
2.8699 WordPress/Classes/ViewRelated/Views/WPRichText/WPTextAttachmentManager.swift
2.8680 WordPress/Classes/ViewRelated/Views/PaddedLabel.swift
2.8678 WordPress/Classes/ViewRelated/NUX/WPStyleGuide+NUX.swift
2.8666 WordPress/Classes/Networking/Remote Objects/RemoteSharingButton.swift
2.8162 Pods/Gridicons/Gridicons/Gridicons/GridiconsGenerated.swift

Almost 3 seconds on Math.swift? That doesn’t make any sense. Thanks to the -debug-time-function-bodies flag, I can look into profile.log and see it’s all the round function. To make this easier, and since it doesn’t depend on anything else in the app, I extracted that to a separate file. In this case, the -Xfrontend -debug-time-expression-type-checking flag helped identifying the line where the compiler was spending all the time:

return self + sign * (half - (abs(self) + half) % divisor)

When you look at it, it seems pretty obvious that those are all Ints, right? But what’s obvious to humans, might not be to a compiler. I tried another flag -Xfrontend -debug-constraints which resulted in a 53MB log file ?. But trying to make sense of it, it became apparent that abs was generic, so the compiler had to guess, and +,-,*, and % had also multiple candidates each, so the type checker seems to go through every combination rating them, before picking a winner. There is some good information on how the type checker works in the Swift repo, but I still have to read that completely.

A simple change (adding as Int) turns the 3 seconds into milliseconds:

return self + sign * (half - (abs(self) as Int + half) % divisor)

I’ve kept going through the list and in many cases I still can’t figure out what is slow, but there were some quick wins there. After 4 simple changes, build time was reduced by 18 seconds, a 12% reduction.

Attaching patches to Pull Requests

This might sound strange, but sometimes I prefer patches to pull requests. The main scenario is when I’m reviewing someone else’s code and I want to propose an alternative implementation.

I could just create a new branch and pull request with my change, but then the conversation is split between two PRs, and there’s a new branch that you have to clean up.

When the change is small enough, or I’m not sure if it will be accepted, I’d rather send a patch. So far I’ve been doing git diff, uploading the result to gist, and posting the link as a comment in the PR. This has a few shortcomings:

  • No binary support.
  • If the original author wants to use it, authorship is usually lost, unless they use the --author option for git commit, and even then there’s room for typos.

I know there’s a better way, as Git was originally designed to share patches, not pull requests. I think I’ve been avoiding it because it’s not as common and the original author might not know what to do with the patch. So I’m writing this as a quick tutorial.

Creating a patch

Before creating a patch, you have to commit your changes. git format-patch will create a patch file for each commit, so your history can be preserved. Once you have a commit, your branch is ahead of origin, so we can use that to tell format-patch which commits to pick

branch=git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
git format-patch $origin

This will leave one or more .patch files in your project directory:

$ ls *.patch

Upload those to Gist and leave a comment with the link on the PR:

$ gist -co *.patch

Applying a patch

For a single patch, you can copy the Raw link in the Gist and download it

$ curl -sLO

If there are multiple files, make sure you use the Download Zip link (or download all the files one by one):

$ curl -sLo
$ unzip -j 
  inflating: 0001-Store-relative-paths-for-reader-topics.patch  
  inflating: 0002-Whitespace-changes.patch  

Once you have the patch file(s) in your project directory, just run git am -s *.patch:

$ git am -s *.patch
Applying: Store relative paths for reader topics
Applying: Whitespace changes

Review the changes, and if you’re happy with them, git push them. Otherwise, you can reset your branch to point at the pushed changes:

branch=git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
git reset --hard $origin

Finally, run git clean -df, or manually remove the downloaded files.

Composing operations in Swift

Continuing on From traditional to reactive, the problem I’m solving today is refactoring our image downloading system(s).

If I remember it correctly, it all started a long time ago when we switched to AFNetworking, and started using its UIImageView.setImageWithURL methods. To this day I still feel that there’s something terribly wrong in a view calling networking code directly, but that’s not today’s problem. Instead it’s how this system grew by adapting to each use case with ad-hoc solutions.

If I haven’t missed anything, we have:

  • AFNetworking’s setImageWIthURL: you pass a URL and maybe a placeholder, and it eventually sets the image. It uses its own caching.
  • UIImageView.downloadImage(_:placeholderImage:), which is basically a wrapper for AFNetworking’s method which sets a few extra headers. Although it’s not very obvious why it’s even there.
  • A newer UIImageView.downloadImage(_), which skips AFNetworking and uses NSURLSession directly. This was recently developed for the sharing extension to remove the AFNetworking dependency. It creates the request, does the networking, sets the result, and it adds caching. It also cancels any previous requests if you reset the image view’s URL.
  • Then we have downloadGravatar and downloadBlavatar which are just wrappers that take an email/hash or hostname and download the right Gravatar. At least these were refactored not long ago to move the URL generation into a separate Gravatar type. Although it seems the old methods are also still there and used in a few places.
  • WPImageSource: basically all it does is prevent duplicate requests. Imagine you just loaded a table to display some comments and you need to load the gravatars. Several of the rows are for the same commenter, so the naive approach would request the same gravatar URL several times. This coalesces all of the requests into one. This doesn’t really have anything to do with images in theory, and could be more generic, although it also handles adding authentication headers for private blogs.
  • WPTableImageSource: this one does quite a few things. The reason behind it was to load images for table view cells without sacrificing scrolling performance. So it uses Photon to download images with the size we need. If Photon doesn’t give us what we want (if the original image is smaller than the target size, we don’t want to waste bandwidth) we resize locally. We cache both original and resized images. It also keeps track of the index path that corresponds to an image so we can call the delegate when it’s ready, and it supports invalidating the stored index paths when the table view contents have changed, so we don’t set the images in the wrong cell.

These are all variations of the same problem, built in slightly different ways. What I want to do is take all of this into composable units, each with a single responsibility.

So I built an example for one of the simple cases: implement a UIImageView.setImageWithURL(_) that uses Photon to resize the image to the image view’s size, downloads the image and sets it. No caching, placeholders or error handling, but it customizes the request a bit.

This is what the original code looked like approximately (changed a bit so the example is easier to follow):

func old_setResizedImage(withURL url: NSURL) {
let photonUrl = photonize(url: url, forSize: frame.size)
let request = NSMutableURLRequest(URL: photonUrl)
request.HTTPShouldHandleCookies = false
request.addValue("image/*", forHTTPHeaderField: "Accept")
let session = NSURLSession.sharedSession()
let task = session.dataTaskWithRequest(request) { [weak self] data, response, error in
let scale = UIScreen.mainScreen().scale
guard let data = data,
let image = UIImage(data: data, scale: scale) else {
self?.image = image

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The problem I encountered is that Photon has an issue resizing transparent images, so for this I want to skip photon and do the resizing on the device. If you want to do that with the original code I see two options: duplicate it, or start adding options to the function to change its behavior. I’m not sure which option is worse.

The first step is to break the existing method into steps:

  1. “Photonize” the URL so we are asking for a resized image
  2. Build the request
  3. Fetch the data
  4. Turn it into an image
  5. Make sure it’s an image, or stop
  6. Set the image view’s image to that

So I’ve extracted most of those steps into functions and this is what I got:

func traditional_setResizedImage(withURL url: NSURL) {
let resizedURL = photonize(url: url, forSize: frame.size)
let request = requestForImageUrl(resizedURL)
fetchData(request) { data in
guard let image = imageFromResponseData(data) else {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), {
applyImage(image, to: self)

This is much more functional, even if it looks sequential. It’s written that way because I find it’s easier to read, but you could write the same thing using nested functions.

func functional_setResizedImage(withURL url: NSURL) {
photonize(url: url, forSize: frame.size)
) { data in
then: applyImageInMainQueue(to: self)

If you’re into Lisp, you might find this version more pleasing, but in Swift this feels harder to follow than using intermediate variables. This is why other languages have things like the compose operator which you can use to compose functions without all that nesting. When I followed this route, I hit some limitations on Swift generics, and it also looks very foreign. This might work well in Haskell where all functions are curried, but it’s not so much in Swift.

infix operator • { associativity right precedence 140 }
func • <T, U, V>(g: U -> V, f: T -> U) -> T -> V {
return { t in
return g(f(t))
func composed_setResizedImage(withURL url: NSURL) {
let fetchResizedUrl = fetchData • requestForImageUrl • photonize(forSize: frame.size)
fetchResizedUrl(url)({ data in
then: applyImageInMainQueue(to: self)

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Also note that the pattern of nesting breaks on fetchData as we don’t have a result yet. I would hardly call that callback hell, but we can start moving in that direction easily if we say we want all the image processing to happen in a background queue. Or if image resizing was an asynchronous operation.

func concurrent_setResizedImage(withURL url: NSURL) {
let backgroundQueue = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0)
let mainQueue = dispatch_get_main_queue()
dispatch_async(backgroundQueue) { [frame] in
let resizedURL = photonize(url: url, forSize: frame.size)
let request = requestForImageUrl(resizedURL)
fetchData(request) { data in
dispatch_async(backgroundQueue, {
guard let image = imageFromResponseData(data) else {
dispatch_async(mainQueue, {
applyImage(image, to: self)

Then I tried with RxSwift. All I wanted for this could be done with a much simpler Future type, since I don’t need side effects, cancellation, or any operator other than map/flatMap. But I already had RxSwift on the project so I’m using it as an example of the syntax. I also added a second version with the transform chain grouped into smaller pieces to improve readability.

func rx_setResizedImage(withURL url: NSURL) -> Disposable {
let backgroundScheduler = ConcurrentDispatchQueueScheduler(globalConcurrentQueueQOS: .Default)
let mainScheduler = MainScheduler.instance
return Observable
.map(photonize(forSize: frame.size))
.subscribeNext(applyImage(to: self))
func rx2_setResizedImage(withURL url: NSURL) -> Disposable {
let backgroundScheduler = ConcurrentDispatchQueueScheduler(globalConcurrentQueueQOS: .Default)
let mainScheduler = MainScheduler.instance
let request = Observable
.map(photonize(forSize: frame.size))
let image = request
return image
.subscribeNext(applyImage(to: self))

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What I haven’t tried yet is a solution based on NSOperation, but I have the feeling that it would add a lot of boilerplate, and wouldn’t feel completely right in Swift.

Finally, what I think I’d build is something based on the traditional version with customization points. I’d love to flatten the data pipeline and be able to just keep mapping over asynchronous values without depending on an external framework. For this example though, it seems that callbacks don’t complicate things much, at least yet. So I think I’ll start from something like this.

func identity<T>(value: T) -> T {
return value
extension UIImageView {
func composable_setResizedImage(processUrl proccessUrl: (NSURL -> NSURL) = identity, processImage: (UIImage -> UIImage) = identity) -> NSURL -> Void {
return { url in
let processedURL = proccessUrl(url)
let request = requestForImageUrl(processedURL)
fetchData(request) { data in
guard let image = imageFromResponseData(data) else {
let processedImage = processImage(image)
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), {
applyImage(processedImage, to: self)
func downloadAndResizeLocally(url: NSURL) {
let download = composable_setResizedImage(processImage: resizeImage(to: frame.size))

Here’s a gist with all the examples and the helper functions: ImageServices.swift

If you have a better design, I’d love to hear about it.

From traditional to reactive

Brent Simmons has a series of posts about Reactive vs “Traditional” which sound a lot like the arguments we’re having internally as a team lately. I’ve gotten into RxSwift in the past months and believe it’s a great solution to a number of problems, but it is indeed a big dependency and has a steep learning curve.

I find RxSwift declarative style much easier to read and follow than the imperative counterparts, but it took a while to get there. I remember struggling for months learning to think in terms of streams, and I was really motivated to learn it.

But I thought I’d take some time to take the example in Comparing Reactive and Traditional, as I don’t think it’s a fair comparison (and not in the way you might expect). You can download all the steps in a playground: Traditional to Reactive.playground.

My first “refactor” was just to clean up the code enough to compiled without errors, so I can put it on a playground.

Then I addressed what I found most confusing about the traditional implementation, which is all that throttling logic scattered around the view controller. There’s no need to go reactive there, we just need to contain all that logic and state in one place: Throttle. This is a generic class that takes a timeout and a callback, and you can send new values or cancel. It will call callback after timeout seconds since the last input unless a new input happens. Note that this class is generic and doesn’t need to know anything about the values. It is also easily testable.

class Throttle<T>: NSObject {
let timeout: Double
let callback: T -> Void
var timer: NSTimer? = nil
var buffer: T? = nil
init(timeout: Double, callback: T -> Void) {
self.timeout = timeout
self.callback = callback
deinit {
func input(value: T) {
buffer = value
func cancel() {
if let timer = self.timer where timer.valid {
timer = nil
buffer = nil
private func resetTimer() {
timer = NSTimer(timeInterval: timeout, target: self, selector: #selector(fetchTimerDidFire(_:)), userInfo: nil, repeats: false)
func fetchTimerDidFire(sender: AnyObject) {
guard let value = buffer else {

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This leaves us with a simpler view controller, but we still have some logic in there that’s not really specific and could be extracted: keeping only the last request and canceling the previous one. I’ve called this SwitchToLatest, and it couldn’t be simpler: it just has a switchTo method that keeps a reference to the task, and calls cancel on it whenever there’s a new one. It uses a new Cancelable protocol since we don’t really care about what the task is, we just need to know that we can cancel it. Also really easy to test.

class SwitchToLatest {
var latest: Cancelable?
func switchTo(next: Cancelable) {
if let latest = self.latest {
latest = next
deinit {

And this is how the final ViewController looks:

class ViewController: UIViewController, UITextFieldDelegate {
private weak var tableView: UITableView!
private weak var textField: UITextField!
private lazy var throttle: Throttle<String> = Throttle(timeout: 0.3) { (query) in
private let switcher = SwitchToLatest()
private var results = [String]() {
didSet {
private var currentText = "" {
didSet {
if currentText.characters.count < 4 {
else {
override func viewDidLoad() {
textField.delegate = self
func textDidChange(sender: AnyObject) {
if currentText != textField.text {
currentText = textField.text!
private func runFetch(query: String) {
let fetcher = Fetcher(query: query) { result, error in
if let error = error {
//Handle it.
print("Error \(error)")
else if let result = result {
self.results = { oneResult in return oneResult.text }
@IBAction func refresh(sender: AnyObject) {

Here’s where I think the fair comparison starts. The traditional version has all the behaviors we want in units with a single responsibility, and the view controller takes these building blocks to do what it needs.

What RxSwift brings to the table is the ability to compose these units and a common pattern for cancellation. What you can’t do here is take Throttle and pipe its output into SwitchToLatest. But in this case, that’s fine.

The live search example is typically a nice example of reactive code as it showcases all of it’s features: streams of values, composition of operators, side effects on subscription, and disposables/cancellation. But as we’ve seen, it doesn’t work as a way for reactive code to prove its value, as the traditional counterpart is simple enough.

Compare this to the thing I was trying to write in RxSwift.

  • We have some data that needs to be loaded from the API. That data might be used by a few different view controllers.
  • When a request fails because of network conditions, it should be automatically retried a few times before we give up.
  • We want to poll for new data every minute, counting since the last successful refresh.
  • If a request is taking more than a few seconds, the UI should display a message indicating that “this is taking longer than expected”.
  • If the request fails because an “unrecoverable” error or we give up on retrying, the UI should display an error and we shouldn’t try to poll for data until the user manually refreshes again.
  • The UI should show a message when it detects it’s offline, and stop any polling attempts. When we detect we’re online we should resume polling. (I later learned that Apple doesn’t recommend using Reachability to prevent network requests unless they’ve already failed).
  • If a second VC wants the same data, there should not be a second request going out. Not just caching, but reusing in-progress requests.

When written in RxSwift it was already a complex logic to follow, and I even had to write a couple of custom operators (pausable and retryIf). There’s no silver bullet, and that’s also true for RxSwift, but I believe it can help. I can’t imagine reasoning about all the possible states in a more traditional design.

I also would argue (although someone might disagree) that any time you use NSNotificationCenter, NSFetchedResultsController, or KVO, you are already doing some sort of reactive programming, just not in a declarative way.