Safety warnings

This is just a regular inflatable baby pool  

This is the safety warning for Europe  

This is the safety warning for Australia  

 And this is for the US 


2 thoughts on “Safety warnings

  1. The US one doesn’t say that Adults should watch and supervise closely. It just says that adults should assemble it and not throw it in the ocean with the baby in it, and that the baby should not do any swan dives, or back flips. But without the more exact warnings of the other countries, it implies that an Adult could assemble it at home, and then go read a book. Not true. The Australian one should add to the warning to not let kangaroos dive or hop into the shallow water, and to not put the pool on a surf board or let the baby read a book while swimming, or eat a cookie one hour before entering the water to avoid cramps. Anyway, adults should be watching and cooing. Active speaking is necessary for development anyway. Babbling is the first stage. So babble — both of you.

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